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Wednesday 31 August 2011

Ulamaks are politicians and propagators.

By : Nash Ar-Rawy

           Ulamaks are politicians and propagators upholding Islam to its supreme as “ Islamu yaklu wala ya’la alaiah “  ( Islam is Supreme and nothing is higher than it ) Which means Islam must be given its authority to rule the world with “  Ad-deen wad Daulah and Ad-deem wa syariah” ( Islam rules and has its sovereignty /Sovereign) Rules and Law ( Be given its authority ) as “ Rahmatan lil”alameen| ( Bestowed to the  whole world regardless of race and religion “ Justice To All"

              To materialize this ulamaks are actually politician or mentor for a  nation building in the cause of “ Amal Maaruf Nahi Mungkar” ) Portraying good deeds and abstain evil practices ).They must be in the highest hierarchy in a the state as such leads the nation in bulding as  Benevolent State of “ Baidatun Toyibaton Warabbul Ghafoor “ 

( A Benevolent State of Peace, Rich and Bestowed by God ) .Not as a  |Sinner State violating God’s Law and legalizes evil deeds  and sins.

               As such to do so, Ulamaks themselves are politicians. Here is where prophet Muhammad s.a.w. empowered Islam giving its authority and sovereignty by building a benevolent state ( Rahmatan lil ‘alameem to everybody not only to the muslims but inclusive of the non-muslims as equal to the muslim such as the Jews , Christians and all the Arab tribes as ONE NATION of the Medinah Benevolent Government; which is clean , fair and just to everybody which is also portayed by the Caliph Omar Bin Abdul Aziz. 

Which means the Islamic System of Government is feasible and applicable in the modern times politics; which is also seen to be practices by the Chief Minister of Kelantan who is also an Ulamak himself, and has a propagator as such the prophet was also the first President of a Benevolent State of Madinah.

              This is where in a modern state the parliament and the State Assemblies with the Ulamaks as the highest Authority of the State ( Ulamak Consensus Council ) which approves or disapproves any Bill made by the parliamentarians based on the Kitabullah and the Assunnah ( Al-Qur’an and the tradition of the prophet ) .Here is where ulamaks not only lead the nations , premier and the people but along side they are also the propagators of Islam in a macro sphere.

                 In an Islamic System of Sovereign , Ulamaks have more rooms to propagate Islam in the mosques itself without any distractions or restrictions from the ruling party . Here is where pseudo ulamaks back up a secular ruling party  where they are only in a bureau without any authority what so ever to implement Islamic Laws meant for the muslims only ( non- muslims could opt for the present civil law )such as Hudud , Kisos and Ta’azir ) . Remember, the secular ruling party for more than five decades has not been obedient to God to legalized the laws of God as ordained in the Al-Qur’an in the parliament in the and the State Assemblies as well.

                      Since independence after 50 years MCA and MIC and even Umno itself do not understand Islam and Umno portraying not the true propagation of  Islam to its counterparts but merely prolonging  secularism brought down by the  British Colonial which is amal maaruf and amal mungkar together such as corruptions, nepotism, cronyism and chauvinism racism.

Nationalism ( Umno )itself is a deviant or an astray cause never ever projected by the prophet and Khulafa ar- Rasyhidden ( Caliphs of Islam ) as Islam is ‘ Rahmatan lil alameen” universal and fair to every race and religion. But “ BEE END” leads by Umno is RACIST BASED PARTY which is not feasible for a multi – racial and religion as in Malaysia . Time has changed where Malaysians are sick and tired of  Umno’s racism , cronyism and stupid propaganda . Electorates are more matured now to differentiate 
what is the cause of PAS/Pakatan and Umno/BN.

  Ulamaks in PAS have  propagated to the Pakatan leaders in DAP and PKR and to the masses why Islam is the ultimate and mere cause and plights of PAS and totally rejects any kind of chauvinism or racism as shown in Kelantan practicing the fundamentals of a Benevolent State. Without racism people of all races and religion and the nation are save in PAS Ulamak Mentorism based on the Kitabullah and the Assunnah . This a true One Nation , One Soul and One Race of being Malaysians , peace , loving and justice for all. ( PAS FOR ALL ) 

Remarkably through the Ulamaks propagations in PAS. PAS is able to recruit more than 20,000 of non –muslims in Pas wing namely PAS SUPPORTERS WING which is free to function by itself and is at par with PAS Ulamak Wing, Women and Youth .Remember even the young ‘ulamaks’ in Umno are only being BUREAUED” and being subordinates under the Wing Chiefs and the Presiden. But in PAS the President is only a committee member of the Ulamak Consensus Council whereby the head is the Mursyidul Am as a mentor to lead the party , the nation and the masses as shown by TGNA.


By: Nash Ar-rawy

              Islam is politics based on firmanullah hu Ta’ala  “ Inna Solati, wanusuki, wamahyaya wa mamati lillahi rabbil ‘alameem” ( Truly my prayer, my sacrifice, my living and my dying is for Allah Lord of the worlds). There’s nothing which is not politics in Islam .

 The whole “ nizamul hayat”i.e. the system of life and living itself is politics because politics is an active organism which evolves an invloves all aspects of lives from an individual, family society, nation , ekonomy, religion, culture , arts , customs  , etc.;  have its answer in Islam as Islam is ‘syummul ‘ ( comprehenship).’Ad-Deen Waddaulah and Ad-Deen Wasyariah” i.e. in its own genuine system of governance and Laws which is not Communist, Sosialist , Pragmatist, Nationalist ,Capitalist, or Racist Chauvinist but ISLAM ISLAM and  not even Islam hadhari for that matter because the kitabullah and assunnah is already a complete set of rules and guidance in this world and in the heareafter. Not just until the year 2020.

                Either a person follows Islamic Politics or the “ Fikh” ( Fekah )of politics in Islam as engaged by prophet Muhammad S.A.W or jahiliyyah politics  as brought by the 2A’s regime Abu Jahal and Abu Lahab’s politics or the munafikun  politics  led by Abdullah b. Ubai.   

                 The kuffar mustaqbireen force being the world oppressor and suppressor such as USA and its sychophants against the muslim world being the mustazaffeen ( suppressed and oppressed people )  will never end untill doomsday.

 If in ibadah( prayer, fasting , hajj), ecomomy ( muamalat), munakahat ( marrieage, divorce etc) and crimes( Hudud, Kisos , Taazir )  have its own ‘Fikh” or law as ordained in the  Kitabullah ( Ak-Qur’an ) and Assunah ( Hadith and Tradition of the prophet )Thus,  politics too has its own ‘Fikh” or law as portrayed by the prophet in his sunnah and  all the ‘sirah nabawiyyah’ ( recorded history of politics of all  the prophets in the Al-Qur’an such such the politics of Pharaoh ( evil , satanic , secular ) and the politics of Moses etc( Islam ).

The Medina Charter laid down  by the prophet promoting justice to all regardless of religion, race and creed are all Islamic politics which is called “assiasah assyari’yyah” or Islamic politics or Islamic System of good governance as established by prophet Muhammad S.A.W .

 Medina being the first Islamic Governance in the world constitutes  of a multi- racial society of different ethnic groups and religions such as muslims , jews, christians and various Arab tribes as such muslims only comprised about just 15 % of the population of the Medina Islamic Governance .

Therefor, for a muslim to say politics is dirty is wrong because Islam itself is politics as such mentioned in the Al Qur’an the two groups of political parties that exist in this world i.e. ‘Hisbullah ‘ ( party of God ) and Hisbussyaitan ” ( party of satan )

Muslims and Islam for that matter could collaborate with the non-muslims in good deeds and for the well-being of the people  which is called  “ Tahalluf Siasi “ ( Political Collaborations ) seeking justice , peace and promoting benevolent governance such as Kelantan as a role model to the people what Islamic practice in  a contemporary Islamic politics as seen in Malaysia is PAS ( Islamic Party ) collaborating with non muslims and muslims as well with keadilan ( PKR). DAP and PSM where in ‘Fikh” or political law and approach is accepted and permitted to collaborates for good deeds but not to collaborate with evil deeds champion by Umno/BN suppressing the people with ISA , EC ( Emergency Ordinance ) being abused to sustain Umno in power by using the authority force to block and subdue peaceful unarmed BERSIH assemblies just to promote eight electoral reforms for a clean , fair and just election.

As such, there’s  nothing wrong for an Islamic Party like PAS to collaborate with BERSIH for such a divine pligts for the people .So, why the opposition of such a good and divine course such as Umno/BN must oppose these honourable and patriotic plights of a genuine One Malaysia being supported by multi- races and religions as a new political platform and agenda of a new Malaysia..

Apostacy Act which is supposed to have implemented by Umno 50 years ago so as to protect the muslims faith among its followers only has  bee rejected trice by the Umno ( speaker) when brought up by TGHA  as PAS President in the parliament and likewise were rejected trice when brought up by  PAS Vice President  Sallehuddin.

Mockery of religion and Islamic Law has been Umno’s politcal game all these while by hitting at lawyer Amiga  BERSIH’s chief  defending her apostate client whilst it has been  permitted  and supported by Umno when blocking TGHA proposal to preceed with  Hudud Act which also involves  Apostacy .

Nevertheless , politics is a dirty game and corrupted  to any politicians and stateman for that matter if it’s a jahiliiyah ‘s politics because asolute power of parliamentary dictatorship corrupts absolutely as seen in Malaysia . But for a divine course  based on the Kitabullah and Assunnah , politics of pure , solemn and divine plights  as shown by the Kulafa ar-Rashideen , the prophet and Umar Abdul Aziz proven to be clean . honest , trustworthy , responsible and answerable to God , the people and the nation.

Without God in politics and in the parliament such treacherous acts of selling citenships and electorates as seeen in the collaborations of EC and NRC must be stopped and blocked immediately with policians doing the works of prophets with the quality of Sidek, Amanah, Tabligh and Fatanah ( Correct and True, Trustworthy , Pledge and Intellegence ( divine political minded ).

 Thus, ISLAM IS POLITICS for a BENEVOLENT Government entrusted by God to all muslims as such not to follow the footsteps of the devils such as  Pharaoh , Qoroon , Mubarak , Suharto , Marcos as you could see for yourself who is following the devils footsteps in Malaysia. Close your eyes and ask your heart ; don’t ask the premier, IGP , or EC and NRD directors for that matter.


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